Tronic Apple Lightning 8-Pin – USB OTG Cable – UB OOTG-IP
The Tronic Lightning 8-Pin – USB OTG Cable – UB OOTG-IP –  connects a full-sized USB flash drive or USB AF cable to your phone or tablet through the Apple Lightning 8-Pin charging port.
KSh305 -
Tronic iPhone 8-Pin Lightning Cable
Tronic iPhone 5 8-Pin 2 metres long Cable, available in Red and Silver. It is compatible with cable for iPhone 5/5C/5S/6/6+, for iPad4/iPad Air/iPad Mini Sync Data and Charging.
KSh1,800 – KSh1,980 -
Tronic iPhone 4 30-Pin Cable – UB IP04-RD-01
Tronic iPhone 4 30-Pin 1 metre long Cable, available in RED. It is compatible with iPhone 4 4S, for iPhone 3GS, for iPad, and for iPod Touch.