Sollatek LightningGuard iSense


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  • Lightning Protection
  • High-voltage Protection
  • Spikes and Surges Protection
  • Data line spike surges/lightning (i.e. for telephone, modem/fax lines)
  • Power-Back Surge Protection; 10 Sec start-up delay
  • USES: LightningGuard is ideal for over-voltage protection for Modem, Fax, Telephones, Routers up to 6 Amps

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Telecom and data equipment are susceptible to overvoltage and also to surges/spike transmitted down the telephone lines especially due to lightning. The LightningGuard combines protection against overvoltage (like the HivoltGuard) by disconnecting the power to the equipment when it goes above the acceptable level.

Additionally, the LightningGuard adds data line protection that clamps surges/spikes transmitted through telephone lines. Like the HivoltGuard, it has a built-in delay when power returns to normal. This will ensure that the appliance is not switched on-off repeatedly during fluctuations nor it is subjected to a massive surge normally experienced when power returns after power cuts.



TimeSave™ function

The TimeSave™ function will ensure the LIGHTNINGGUARD provides maximum operation time to your appliance by having built-in intelligence to check the off time. If the unit has been off for more than 30 seconds, it will reconnect the mains within 10 seconds rather than the standard 30 seconds wait time.

iSense™ function

The iSense™ technology allows you to control how sensitive the LIGHTNINGGUARD is to voltage problems. Using the iSense™ dial you can set the desired level of protection.


Additional information

Weight 0.195 kg
Dimensions 140 × 60 × 90 mm




Model Number:

LightningGuard-UK (92905000)

Wait Time:

30 Seconds. TimeSave 10 Sec

Maximum Current:

6 Amps

Mains Surge/Spike Protection:

160 Joules

Mains Max Spike/Surge Discharge:

6.5kA (8/20μs surges)

Ideal For:

Modems, Fax machines, Telephones, Routers up to 6 Amps



What’s Included in the Package:

• 1 LightningGuard- UK (92905000)


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Sollatek LightningGuard iSense


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